Thursday May 28 « La Major » auditorium - level 2
08:00 | Welcoming Coffee |
08:30 | |
Session francophone : ATELIER de rythmologie pratique  Claude Barnay, Ange Ferracci, Michael Peyrol
08:30 08:42 08:54
- Comment se passe une ablation en pratique ? Jérôme Taieb  - Risques de complications des ablations, Jean-Paul Albenque - Faut-il arrêter les anticoagulants avant une ablation ? Rafik Chettaoui
09:06 |
- Rythmologie pédiatrique, Alice Maltret  |
09:18 |
- IRM et prothèses implantables, Pierre Winum  |
09:30 |
- Le Holter de longue durée dans les AVCs inexpliqués, Cathy Bertrand  |
09:42 |
- Discussion |
10:00 | Coffee break in the exhibition hall |
10:30 | |
New anticoagulants NOAC Jérôme Taieb, Youssef Ben Ameur
10:30 |
- Indications, Jean-Yves Le Heuzey  |
10:45 |
- Surveillance and follow up, Laurent Fauchier 
11:00 |
- What to do in case of hemorragia with NOAC, Laurence Camoin Jau 
11:15 |
- NOAC before, during and after an ablation, Sok-Sithikun Bun  |
11:30 |
Round table: practical problems with NOAC |
12:00 | |
Industry symposium 
Clinical cases battle : from study to practice Franck Halimi
- Cryptogenic stroke and AF : which monitoring techniques? Estelle Gandjbakhch - AF reduction and cardiac pacing : how about we discuss it again? Alexis Mechulan - Inappropriate and unnecessary shocks : how to prevent? Emilie Bastard
13:00 | Lunch in the exhibition hall |
14:00 | |
Ablation of atrial fibrillation Patrick Attuel, Maurits Allessie |
14:00 14:10 |
- Contact force technology: closing the missing gaps! Franck Halimi  - Regional high density contact mapping of AF substrate, Clément Bars |
14:20 14:30
- Panoramic non contact mapping of AF substrate, Arnaud Denis  - Mid-term and long-term ablation results with substrate ablation targeting CFAE, Koonlawee Nademanee - Comparison of “nearly-missed” versus “on-target” rotor ablation: are movies of the atrial electrical activation sufficient to tell us where to ablate? Jérôme Kalifa - Cryoballoon ablation for atrial fibrillation, Gian-Battista Chierchia
15:00 |
- Atrial tachycardia ablation from the noncoronary aortic cusp, Robert Pap  |
15:10 |
- Discussion |
15:30 | Coffee break in the exhibition hall
16:00 | |
New devices… Franck Halimi, Tom De Potter
… in atrial fibrillation - Occlusion of the left atrial appendage, Nicolas Lellouche 
16:10 |
- With nMARQ™ technology, André Pisapia  |
16:30 |
- Discussion |
… in continuous ECG monitoring
16:40 |
- New subcutaneous holter recorder, Estelle Gandjbakhch |
16:50 |
- Discussion
… in pacing & CRT |
17:00 |
- Pacemakers without lead, David Castagno
17:10 |
- Subcutaneous defibrillator, Mohamed Belhameche  |
17:20 |
- MRI compatibility for accurate diagnostic examinations of "former" pacemaker and ICD technology, Hussam Ali 
17:30 |
- Multipoint LV pacing in CRT, Alexis Mechulan 
17:40 |
- Individualized LV lead placement – Why and how? Christopher Piorkowski 
17:50 |
- Transvenous lead extraction, Frédéric Franceschi 
18:00 |
- Discussion
18:15 | End of the sessions |
20:00 | Official dinner
Le Solaris Restaurant - Radisson BLU Hotel - Vieux Port |