i-MEET 2018 invited faculty |
Fabrice ABBADIE | Vichy | France |
Fabrice-Guy BARRAL | Saint-Etienne | France |
Xavier BERARD | Bordeaux | France |
Theo BISDAS | Münster | Germany |
Ahmed BOUZID | Nancy | France |
Jérôme BRUNET | Avignon | France |
Richard BULBULIA | Oxford | United Kingdom |
Laurent CASBAS | Toulouse | France |
Tze CHAN | Liverpool | United Kingdom |
Olivier CRETON | Ste Foy-Les-Lyon | France |
Gert Jan DE BORST | Utrecht | The Netherlands |
Daniel DE VOS | Gent | Belgium |
Koen R. DELOOSE | Dendermonde | Belgium |
Nuno DIAS | Malmö | Sweden |
Eric DUCASSE | Bordeaux | France |
Fabrizio FANELLI | Florence | Italy |
Roberto FERRARESI | Bergamo | Italy |
Mauro GARGIULO | Bologna | Italy |
Yann GOUEFFIC | Nantes | France |
Adrien HERTAULT | Lille | France |
Tomasz JAKIMOWICZ | Warsaw | Poland |
Elixene JEAN BAPTISTE | Nice | France |
Konstantinos KATSANOS | London | United Kingdom |
Wei LIANG | Shanghai | China |
Nicola MANGIALARDI | Rome | Italy |
Armando MANSILHA | Porto | Portugal |
Fotis MARKATIS | Athens | Greece |
Richard MCWILLIAMS | Liverpool | United Kingdom |
Barend MEES | Maastricht | The Netherlands |
Aljoscha RASTAN | Bad krozingen | Germany |
Sonia RONCHEY | Rome | Italy |
Antonella RUFFINO | Trino | Italy |
Geert Willem SCHURINK | Maastricht | The Netherlands |
Julian SCOTT | Leeds | United Kingdom |
Francesco TORELLA | Liverpool | United Kingdom |
Nikolaos TSILIMPARIS | Berlin | Germany |
Isabelle VAN HERZEELE | Gent | Belgium |
Marc VUYLSTEKE | Tielt | Belgium |
Martin WERNER | Wien | Austria |
i-MEET 2018 faculté paramédicale |
Nicolas AUROUSSEAU | Fontaine-lès-dijon | France |
Marine BARLA EKWE | Bordeaux | France |
Aurélie BEAUDET | Nice | France |
Jean-Baptiste BOCQUEL | Lorient | France |
Bruno CHIAPELLO | Nice | France |
Jean-Baptiste ELIXÈNE | Nice | France |
Yann GOUEFFIC | Nantes | France |
Blandine MAUREL | Nantes | France |
Aurélie PEREIRA | Bordeaux | France |
Jean-Luc PIN | Fontaine-lès-dijon | France |
Corinne SANTINI | Nice | France |