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 i-MEET 2018 invited faculty
Fabrice ABBADIE Vichy France
Fabrice-Guy BARRAL Saint-Etienne France
Xavier BERARD Bordeaux France
Theo BISDAS Münster Germany
Ahmed BOUZID Nancy France
Jérôme BRUNET Avignon France
Richard BULBULIA Oxford United Kingdom
Laurent CASBAS Toulouse France
Tze CHAN Liverpool United Kingdom
Olivier CRETON Ste Foy-Les-Lyon France
Gert Jan DE BORST Utrecht The Netherlands
Daniel DE VOS Gent Belgium
Koen R. DELOOSE Dendermonde Belgium
Nuno DIAS Malmö Sweden
Eric DUCASSE Bordeaux France
Fabrizio FANELLI Florence Italy
Roberto FERRARESI Bergamo Italy
Mauro GARGIULO Bologna Italy
Yann GOUEFFIC Nantes France
Adrien HERTAULT Lille France
Tomasz JAKIMOWICZ Warsaw Poland
Elixene JEAN BAPTISTE Nice France
Konstantinos KATSANOS London United Kingdom
Wei LIANG Shanghai China
Nicola MANGIALARDI Rome Italy
Armando MANSILHA Porto Portugal
Fotis MARKATIS Athens Greece
Richard MCWILLIAMS Liverpool United Kingdom
Barend MEES Maastricht The Netherlands
Aljoscha RASTAN Bad krozingen Germany
Sonia RONCHEY Rome Italy
Antonella RUFFINO Trino Italy
Geert Willem SCHURINK Maastricht The Netherlands
Julian SCOTT Leeds United Kingdom
Francesco TORELLA Liverpool United Kingdom
Nikolaos TSILIMPARIS Berlin Germany
Isabelle VAN HERZEELE Gent Belgium
Marc VUYLSTEKE Tielt Belgium
Martin WERNER Wien Austria
i-MEET 2018 faculté paramédicale
Nicolas AUROUSSEAU Fontaine-lès-dijon France
Marine BARLA EKWE Bordeaux France
Aurélie BEAUDET Nice France
Jean-Baptiste BOCQUEL Lorient France
Bruno CHIAPELLO Nice France
Jean-Baptiste ELIXÈNE Nice France
Yann  GOUEFFIC Nantes France
Blandine MAUREL Nantes France
Aurélie PEREIRA Bordeaux France
Jean-Luc PIN Fontaine-lès-dijon France
Corinne SANTINI Nice France

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