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We thank you for your participation and hope you enjoyed i-MEET 2018!

This third edition of i-MEET proved to be a real interactivity success with our fantastic animators, our outstanding speakers, and more than 280 active participants. No doubt this is the only congress with truly interactive debates and discussions with the audience.

Authorized presentations and videos are now available!

Again, thank you for joining us!

The i-MEET 2018 course directors

Jérôme Brunet, Laurent Casbas, Koen Deloose, Eric Ducasse, Yann Gouëffic, Elixène Jean-Baptiste,
Nicola Mangialardi, Armando Mansilha, Richard McWilliams, Barend Mees, Aljoscha Rastan, Isabelle Van Herzeele

Jio Phone is launched by Reliance today at 40th AGM conference. The Jio Phone Booking Online will be available for free but customers have to pay Rs 1500 refundable amount at the time of

iMEET 2018, Nice, France, 30/05/2018-01/06/2018 has been granted 16 European CME credits (ECMEC®s) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education


i-MEET 2018 is compliant with the Eucomed Code of Ethical Business Practice

divine [id] has received MedTech Europe Ethical Charter certification  

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