- Aortic uni iliac stentgraft of a AAA with severe iliac tortuosities, diagnosis P. Bergeron
- Stentgrafting of a large AAA with a short neck, find P. Bergeron
- Stengrafting of a large AAA with a modular bifurcated endograft, K. Mathias
- AAA Stentgrafting with a modular bifurcated device, P. Bergeron
- Percutaneous AAA EVAR, P. Bergeron
- AAA EVAR and right hypogastric embolization, P. Bergeron
- AAA EVAR with proximal neck angulation and iliac tortuosities, P. Bergeron
- Total arch transposition for an aortic arch aneurysm, P. Bergeron
- Left tight ulcerated carotid stenosis with tortuosities via cervical access, P. Bergeron
- AAA Endovascular Repair with unibody Stentgraft, D. Raithel