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General Organization - divine [id]
17, rue Venture - 13001 MARSEILLE (France)



Phone:     +33(0) 4 91 57 19 60
Fax:         +33(0) 4 91 57 19 61




Vérane Bergeron-Moreau
Executive Manager
Phone     +33(0) 4 91 57 19 62
Mobile     +33(0) 621 78 87 16
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Katy Chey
Faculty & Marketing Coordination
Phone     +33(0) 4 91 57 19 64
Mobile     +33(0) 6 13 96 08 70
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Michèle Caboste
Group/Sponsor reservations (minimum of 5 persons)

Phone     +33(0) 4 91 57 19 66
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Cyrielle Launoy
Individual registrations / Faculty logistics
Phone     +33(0) 4 91 57 19 63
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