1er Prix Communication Orale Diagnostique
Facial Nerve Tractography: a new tool to detect perineural invasion in parotid cancers René-Charles Rouchy*1, Arnaud Attyé1,2, Irène Troprès3, Maud Medici4, Adrian Kastler1,2, Christian Righini5, Alexandre Krainik1,2 1 Department of Neuroradiology and MRI, Grenoble Alpes university hospital, SFR RMN neurosciences 2 Université Grenoble Alpes, IRMaGe 3 IRMaGe, Inserm US 17, CNRS UMS 3552, Grenoble 4 CIC-IT, Grenoble Alpes university hospital 5 Department of otololaryngology, Grenoble Alpes university hospital
1er Prix Communication Orale Interventionnelle
Mechanical thrombectomy for minor and mild stroke patients harboring large vessel occlusion in the anterior circulation: a multicenter case control study Cyril Dargazanli*1, Caroline Arquizan2, Arturo Consoli4, Benjamin Gory5, Omer Eker1, Xavier Ayrignac2, Jean-Pierre Decroix6, Astrid Corlobé2, Isabelle Mourand2, Grégory Gascou1, Mahmoud Charif2, Julien Labreuche7, Alain Duhamel7, Paul-Emile Labeyrie5, Hocine Redjem3, Gabriele Ciccio3, Stanislas Smajda3, Carlos Riquelme1, Oguzhan Coskun4, Jean-Philippe Desilles3, Frédéric Bourdain6, Roberto Riva5, Mikael Obadia8, Francis Turjman5, Georges Rodesch4, Pierre Labauge2, Alain Bonafé1, Mikael Mazighi3, Vincent Costalat1, Michel Piotin3, Raphaël Blanc3, Bertrand Lapergue6 1. Department of Neuroradiology, Montpellier university hospital center, Gui de Chauliac hospital 2. Department of neurology, Montpellier university hospital center, Gui de Chauliac hospital 3. Department of interventional Neuroradiology, Adolphe de Rothschild foundation, Paris 4. Department of interventional Neuroradiology, Foch Hospital, Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines university 5. Department of interventional Neuroradiology, Pierre Wertheimer hospital, Lyon-Bron 6. Department of neurology, Foch hospital, Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines university 7. Department of biostatistics, Univ. Lille, CHU Lille, EA 2694, santé publique : épidémiologie et qualité des soins 8. Department of neurology, Adolphe de Rothschild foundation, Paris
1er Prix Eposters
Aspects atypiques en imagerie des tumeurs neuroépithéliales dysembryoplasiques Rémi Duprès¹* , Emmanuelle Schmitt¹, Sophie Colnat-Coulbois², Louis Maillard³, Guillaume Gauchotte4, René Anxionnat¹ 1. Service de Neuroradiologie, CHRU Nancy 2. Service de neurochirurgie, CHRU Nancy 3. Service de neurologie, CHRU Nancy 4. Service d’anatomo-pathologie, CHRU Nancy