Friday May 31 |
08:30 |
Opening adress André Pisapia |
08:40 |
Atrial fibrillation, from signal to imaging
Chairmen: Patrick Attuel, Mélèze Hocini |
08:40 |
Deciphering body surface data reveals moving rotors during AFib Remi Dubois |
09:00 |
Cellular approach
Thomas Desplantez |
09:20 |
Can we treat AFib without veins disconnection
- No, Sabine Ernst
- Yes: atrial substrate ablation by defragmentation, Koonlawee Nademanee
10:00 |
Discussion |
10:15 |
Coffee break on the exhibition hall |
10:45 |
Video: Mediguide, the medical GPS, in practice for AFib Ablation and CRT applications
Massimo Saviano |
11:00 |
Controversy - Mechanisms of persistent Afib: do rotors have a role?
- Yes, Omer Berenfeld
- No, Maurits Allessie |
11.40 |
Discussion |
12:00 |
Lunch in exhibition hall |
12.00 |
Luncheon symposium |
seated lunch included - « Joliette » room - level 1 |
How to improve CRT response ?
- Interest of spontaneous QRS / paced QRS fusion, Serge Cazeau
- Benefits of the quadripolar technology, Julien Seitz |
13:30 |
Clinical approach to treat atrial fibrillation
Chairmen: Fiorenzo Gaita, Mélèze Hocini |
13:30 |
Rotor mapping from body surface recording
Mélèze Hocini |
13:50 |
Faster PV isolation Franck Halimi |
- Video: Using cryotherapy  |
- Using multi-electrode ablation catheter PVAC  |
- Video: Using nMarq 
- Discussion |
14:35 |
How to prevent reconnection after PV isolation?
Riccardo Cappato |
14:50 |
Video: Substrate ablation on Carto 3
Julien Seitz |
15:05 |
Symposium: Advances in the treatment of Complex ablations
Chairmen: Jean-Pierre Cebron, Pierre Fiorello
- Mediguide: towards fluorless ablation procedures, Massimo Saviano
- Latest imaging and lesion assessment advances, Julien Seitz
- Steerable sheath, benefits for VT and complex ablations, Bertrand Pierre |
16:05 |
Coffee break on the exhibition hall |
16:35 |
Ablation of ventricular tachycardia Chairmen: Jean-François Leclercq, Jean-Claude Deharo |
16:35 |
Video: A totally sub-cutaneous ICD
Jean-Claude Deharo |
16:50 |
Endocardial and epicardial ablation in ARVD: the scar dechanneling technique Antonio Berruezo |
17:10 |
Preventing VF episodes in Brugada syndrome by RF ablation Koonlawee Nademanee |
17:30 |
Discussion |
18:00 |
End of the sessions |