RHYTHM Congress

Important Deadlines

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS 2013 & posters:
Submit your abstract (maximum of 2500 characters or 300 words)
before March 25 2013 to carzouyan@rhythmcongress.com.
The best papers will be presented during the Free Papers session or
Posters exhibition session. Each first author selected will benefit from
a reduced registration fee to the congress.

Call for video cases:
Submit your video (maximum length 5mn) on your experience before
March 25 2013 to carzouyan@rhythmcongress.com and benefit from
a reduced registration fee to the congress.
500€ for the winner of each category
+ free registration for RHYTHM 2015.

Accommodation & registration:
Early registration at a reduced fee: MARCH, 17 2013
Hotel reservation: APRIL 27, 2013
Pre-registration: MAY 15, 2013

Early registration at a reduced fee: March, 17 2013
Hotel reservation: April 27, 2013
Pre-registration: May 15, 2013

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