Dear Friends and Colleagues,
In 2009 the MEET congress will take place for the last time in Cannes, at the Martinez Hotel, from June 18 to 21,
as the 2010 edition will be moved to Marseille.
We are proud to release the final program featuring a unique educational content on Veins, Thoracic and Abdominal Aortas,
SFA, Below the Knee, Carotid and Stroke Prevention. Two symposia will also focus on AAA and on Structural Heart & Combined
Diseases. Once again Nurses and Technicians will have the opportunity to follow a course tailored for them in French on Saturday.
We will have the pleasure to offer every attendee a MEET Combo (Book + DVD), dedicated this year to Supra-aortic
vessels angioplasty (carotid, subclavian and vertebral arteries).
We invite you to join us in Cannes and build endovascular synergies with us and our International guest experts.
We look forward to another exciting meeting in the City of the International Film Festival!
The MEET Directors