June 8-10, 2014 - Nice, France


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  Max Amor, MD
Interventional Cardiologist
Office Address:   Polyclinique Louis Pasteur
7, Rue Parmentier
Tel:   +33 (0) 383 189 099
Fax:   +33 (0) 383 189 098
Date & City of birth:   November 11th, 1950 - Fes, Morocco

University Hospital of Brabois,
Dept of Nephrology (Prof. HURIET),
Dept of Urology (Prof. GUILLEMIN),
Dept of Thoracic Surgery (Prof. LOCHARD), Extern
Oct. 1973
Apr. 1975
University Hospital of Brabois,
Dept of Nephrology (Prof. HURIET), F.F.I.
Apr. 1973
Oct. 1975
Jeanne d'Arc Hospital,
Medical Dept. (Prof. PERNOT), Intern
Oct. 1975
Apr. 1976
Villemin-Maringer Hospital,
Dept of Pneumology (Prof. LAMY), Intern
Apr. 1976
Apr. 1977
University Hospital of Brabois,
Dept of Respiratory Insufficiency (Prof. SADOUL), Inter
Oct. 1977
Oct. 1979
University of Houston - USA,
Dept of Surgery (Prof. DeBakey)
Harvard Medical School of Medicine,
Department of Nuclear Medicine (H.W. STRAUSS)
Massachusetts General Hospital BOSTO
March 1980
July 1980
University Hospital of Brabois,
Director of Cardiovascular diseases
Clinic Pr G. FAIVRE
Sept. 1980
Sept. 1984
Alabama University of Medicine,
Dept of Cardiovascular Medicine (G.M. POHOST)
Nov. 1983
University Hospital of Brabois,
Dept of Cardiovascular Investigations
(Prof. ARNOULD),
Hospital Assistant, University Assistant
Sept. 1984
Sept. 1988
Polyclinique Louis Pasteur, Interventional Cardiology 1992-present

Medical Doctor of the Medical University
with SPECIA Thesis price 1980
"Place des méthodes radio-isotopiques dans l'évaluation de dyskinésies ventriculaires gauches du coronarien chronique. Application".
Prize-winner of the "Improving Quality of Life"
for nuclear cardiology studies.
Honorary Professor of the Second Military Medical University of Shanghai  
Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Cluj, Romania  

Internship in Nancy Hospitals 1975
CES in Cardiology
CES in Pneumo-physiology
Graduate of Nancy University School of Medicine France 1980
Promotion to Doctor Medicine 1980
Human biology certificate : human and general physiology  

Full Memberships
French Society of Cardiology
American Society of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
American Society of Echocardiography
International Andreas Grüntzig Society
Member of the Working Group of the European Society of Cardiology : Nuclear Cardiology
Founding Member of the Research Working Group of the French Society of Cardiology

Organisation of about 30 national & international congresses
Direction of 6 Theses
Realisation of 3 medical films dedicated to isotopic methods in cardiology and the evaluation of myocardial infarction.